Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Occupational Health: Core Areas of Knowledge and Competence, Part 3

In some cases the occupational health (OH) nurse may act as the manager of the multidisciplinary OH team, directing and co-coordinating the work of other OH professionals. The OH nurse manager may have management responsibility for the whole of the occupational health team, or the nursing staff or management responsibility for specific programmes. The nurse manager may be the budget holder for the department and would have the skills necessary to sit alongside other line managers within the organization and contribute to organizational development.


Health Promotion

The OH nurse can have a role in administration. Maintaining medical and nursing records, monitoring expenditure, staffing levels and skill mix within the department, and may have responsibility for managing staff involved in administration.

Budget planning

Where the senior OH nurse is the budget holder for the OH department they will be involved in securing resources and managing the financial assets of the department. The budget holder will also be responsible for monitoring and reporting within the organization on the use of resources.


Where the OH service is managed on an internal market system or undertakes commercial work the occupational health nurse will be involved in marketing services to customers. Even where no direct financial market exists, the customers or users of an OH service will need information and advice on the best use of services to meet their needs, often within financial constraints. The OH nurse is well placed to discuss customer's needs and expectations.

Service level agreements

Service level agreements are increasingly used in decentralized organizations in-order to ensure that both the user and provider of services have a clear agreement about the provision of services. The OH nurse may be involved in setting the service level agreements with internal or external customers and in monitoring the delivery of services against pre determined service level agreements.

Quality assurance

As part of the delivery of a modern comprehensive OH service systems for quality assurance and quality improvement are essential. The occupational health nurse may be involved in quality assurance, audit and quality improvement initiatives, both for the delivery of services and for improving the professional standards within the department. Modern nursing practice is based on a philosophy of quality assurance and continuous quality improvement and therefore nurses can contribute to this development.

Professional audit

Audit and continuous quality improvement is an essential component of professional practice. The occupational health nurse will be involved in auditing the nursing practices within the department or in the wider clinical audit where all of the clinical team participates in multidisciplinary audit.

Continuing Professional development

The scope of professional practice in OH nursing is constantly developing. New information, new researches, changes in legislation, improved practices, technology are all areas of constant growth. The occupational health nurse has an obligation to constantly update their knowledge and skills in order to maintain competence, deliver high quality services and meet the needs of the companies they serve.

Within the profession a commitment to lifelong learning is expected in order to protect the client's safety; ensure the delivery of high quality nursing services and to maintain the appropriate level of competence for clinical practice. The nurse manager will be well placed to identify their own and their staffs' continuing professional development needs and to ensure that these are met in order to maintain the competencies of staff employed.


Occupational health team

The occupational health nurse, acting as a coordinator, can draw together all of the professionals involved in the occupational health team. In many instances the nurse will be the only member of the team who is permanently employed by the company or present on a particular site. Therefore they have a unique position and have access to valuable information that can be used to help shape and direct the occupational health program. In this role the nurse would exercise skills in communication, planning, involvement, management and in organizing the professional team.

Worker education and training

The OH nurse has a role in worker education. This may be within existing training programmes or those programmes that are developed specifically by occupational health nurses to, for example, inform, educate and train workers in how to protect themselves from occupational hazards, non-occupational but workplace preventable diseases or to raise awareness of the importance of good environmental health management practices.

Environmental health management

The OH nurse, particularly in those organizations, such as SME's, who may not have a designated environmental health manager, can advise the company on simple measures to reduce the use of natural resources, minimize the production of waste, promote re-cycling and ensure that environmental health management is placed on every organizations agenda. The OH nurse can also identify appropriate specialists in their locations to advice or deal with environmental health management. The occupational health nurse may contribute by taking these issues forward in the absence of other specialists.

Adviser tomanagement and staff on issues related to workplace health management

OH nurses involved in workplace health management can sometimes be asked to act as advisers to management and staff on the development of workplace health policies and practices, and can fulfill an advisory role by participating in, for example, health and safety committee meetings, health promotion meetings, and may be called upon to provide independent advice to managers or workers who have specific concerns over health related risks.

As a liaison to other external health or social agencies

OH nurses act in an advisory role when seeing individuals who may have problems that, whilst not directly related to work may affect future work attendance or performance. The nurse may be involved in advising individuals to seek advice from their own family doctor or general practitioner, or other external agency that may be better placed to assist the individual.

Health educator

Workplace Health promotion

Health education as one of the key prerequisites of workplace health promotion is integral aspect of the OH nurses' role. In some countries the nurse is required to support activities aimed at adoption of the healthy lifestyles within on-going health promotion process, as well as participate in health and safety activities. OH nurses can carry out a needs assessment for health promotion within the company, prioritize activities in consultation with management and workers, develop and plan appropriate interventions, deliverer co-ordinate the delivery of health promotion strategies and can play a valuable role in evaluating the delivery and achievements of the health promotion strategy.


In the small or medium-sized company the occupational health nurse may be the only health care professional present most of the time and they can assist people working there in dealing with mental health and work-related stress. For many people the occupational health nurse, working at the company level, may be the first point of contact with health care providers and these nurses can do much to ensure that individuals are referred to the appropriate agency.


Health needs assessment

A specialist OH nurse will need to be well skilled in undertaking a nurse-based health needs assessment at both the individual and the organizational level. This type of assessment can be used as the basis for individual case management or occupational health program planning. OH nurses may use research based skills in carrying out the assessment, in handling the data generated in the assessment and in interpreting the results and advising management acting as a member of the multidisciplinary team.

Evidence based practice

Increasingly all health care providers are using evidence based approach to practice that requires the professional to seek the best available information on which to base their practice. Occupational health nurses are skilled in searching the literature, reviewing the evidence available, which may be in the form of practice guidelines or protocols, and applying these guidance documents in a practical situation.

Occupational health nurses should be well skilled in presenting the evidence, identifying gaps in current knowledge, and allowing others to review critically the implementation of care plans based on their assessment of the evidence.


The most widely used and accepted form of investigation into occupational related ill-health and disease is based on large-scale epidemiological studies. Occupational health nurses are advised to become familiar with the principles and basic methods used in epidemiology.

Occupational Health: Core Areas of Knowledge and Competence, Part 3

Online Car Insurance Home Equity

Monday, November 28, 2011

How To Protect Your Health Working In The Office

Many people have to spend almost half of their time in offices. This badly influences their health. The office employees face such challenges as chronic fatigue syndrome, problems with slumber and digestion and visual impairment.

Today there are very few offices where there are no computers. But all the visible advantages apart, there are some disadvantages. Staying in the office, where computers constantly work, for a long period of time leads to heightened irritability, headaches and fast fatigability. Moreover, working at the computer for a long time is damaging for eyes.

Health Promotion

It is necessary to make a 15-minutes break every hour if you want to protect yourself from the diseases which are provoked by the influence of the computer monitor on the retina of your eyes. The operators who have to constantly watch the screen should buy special spectral glasses which can be either with the diopters or without them. They make the picture more contrast and protect the eyes from the overstrain.

Besides the direct influence on the operator's eyes, the working computers change the structure of the air in a room, which badly affects the health of all people inside it. But this problem not always can be solved by simple ventilation, especially if the office is situated in the center of the city. The using of a modern air cleaner is more effective. Such devices not only clean the air from dust and tobacco smoke but also ionize it and destroy viruses and bacteria. The air cleaner helps to fight with lung diseases of the staff, prevents the development of asthma and season allergy to the blossom dust.

If the firm has no dining hall many employees have to manage with sandwiches and coffee. Such situation leads to the problems with digestion. In such cases it is necessary to take the dinner from home, which can be easily warmed up in the microwave own. The compact fridge-bag or the thermo container will help to avoid the spoiling of food if there is no fridge in your office. They preserve foodstuff fresh for 12 hours. Moreover, the fridge-bag can help to cool the drinks when it is hot.

How To Protect Your Health Working In The Office


Friday, November 25, 2011

Group Health Insurance Premiums

If you are a small business owner or operator and want to get an explanation of the way premiums are priced for the company, then please read on. There are basically two ways these premiums can be calculated.

Group Insurance Pricing

Health Promotion

The pricing (rate making) process in group insurance is essentially the same as pricing in other industries. The insurance company must generate enough revenue to cover the cost of its claims and expenses and contribute to the surplus of the company. It differs in that the price of a group insurance product is initially determined on the basis of expected future events and may also be subject to experience rating so that the final price to the contract holder can be determined only after the coverage period has ended. Group insurance pricing consist of two steps.

(1) The determination of a unit price, referred to as a rate or premium rate for each unit of benefit (e.g., ,000.00 of life insurance, of daily hospital benefit, or of monthly income disability benefit)

(2) The determination of the total price or premium that will be paid by the contract holder for all of the coverage purchased.
The approach to group insurance rate making differs depending on whether manual rating or experience rating is used. In the case of manual rating, the premium rate is determined independently of a particular groups claim experience. When experience rating is used, the past claims experience of a group is considered in determining future premiums for the group and/or adjusting past premiums after a coverage period has ended. As in all rate making, the primary objective for all types of group insurance is to develop premium rates that are adequate, reasonable, and equitable.

Manual Rating

In the manual rating process, premium rates are established for broad classes of group insurance business. Manual rating is used with small groups for which no credible individual loss experience is available. This lack of credibility exist because the size of the group is such that it is impossible to determine whether the experience is due to random chance or is truly reflective of the risk exposure. Manual rating is also used to establish the initial premiums for larger groups that are subject to experience rating, particularly when a group is being written for the first time. In all but the largest groups, experience rating is used to combine manual rates and the actual experience of a given group to determine the final premium. The relative weights depend on the credibility of the groups own experience. Manual premium rates (also called tabular rates) are quoted in a company's rate manual. As pointed out earlier, these manual rates are applied to a specific group insurance case in order to determine the average premium rate for the case that will then be multiplied by the number of benefit units to obtain a premium for the group. The rating process involves the determination of the net premium rate, which is the amount necessary to meet the cost of expected claims. For any given classification, this is calculated by multiplying the probability (frequency) of a claim occurring by the expected amount (severity) of the claim.

The second step in the development of manual premium rates is the adjustment of the net premium rates for expenses, a risk charge, and a contribution to profit or surplus. The term retention, frequently used in connection with group insurance, usually is defined as the excess of premiums over claim payments and dividends. It consists of charges for (1) the stop-loss coverage, (2) expenses, (3) a risk charge, and (4) a contribution to the insurer's surplus. The sum of these changes usually is reduced by the interest credited to certain reserves (e.g., the claim reserve and any contingency reserves) the insurer holds to pay future claims under the group contract. For large groups, a formula is usually applied that is based on the insurers average claim experience. The formula varies by the size of a group and the type of coverage involved. Insurance companies that write a large volume of any given type of group insurance rely on their own experience in determining the frequency and severity of future claims. Where the benefit is a fixed sum, as in life insurance, the expected claim is the amount of insurance. For most group health benefits, the expected claim is a variable that depends on such factors as the expected length of disability, the expected duration of a hospital confinement, or the expected amount of reimbursable expenses. Companies that do not have enough past data for reliable future projections can use industry wide sources. The major source for such U.S. industry wide data is the Society of Actuaries. Insurers must also consider whether to establish a single manual rate level or develop select or substandard rate classifications on objective standards related to risk characteristics of the group such as occupation and type of industry. These standards are largely independent of the groups past experience.

The adjustment of the net premium rate to provide reasonable equity is complex. Some factors such as premium taxes and commissions vary with the premium charge. At the same time, the premium tax rate is not affected by the size of the group, whereas commission rates decrease as the size of a group increases. Claim expenses tend to vary with the number, not the size of claims. Allocating indirect expenses is always a difficult process as is the determination of the risk charge. Community-rating systems, developed originally by Blue Cross Blue Shield, are often defined to limit the demographic and other risk factors being recognized. They typically ignore most or all of the factors necessary for rate equity and may be as simple as one rate applicable to those with families. There is little actuarial rationale for charging all groups the same rate regardless of the expected morbidity. Community rating has been mandated in some jurisdictions. This makes it a matter of public policy rather than an actuarial pricing question.

Experience Rating

Experience rating is the process whereby a contract holder is given the financial benefit or held financially accountable for its past claims experience in insurance-rating calculations. Probably the major reason for using experience rating is competition. Charging identical rates for all groups regardless of their experience would lead to adverse selection with employers with good experience seeking out insurance companies that offered lower rates, or they would turn to self funding as a way to reduce cost. The insurance company that did not consider claims experience would, therefore, be left with only the poor risk. This is why Blue Cross Blue Shield had to abandon community rating for group insurance cases above a certain size. The starting point for prospective experience rating is the past claim experience for a group. The incurred claims for a given period include those claims that have been paid and those in process of being paid. In evaluating the amount of incurred claims, provision is usually made for catastrophic claim pooling. Both individual and aggregate stop loss limits are established in which exceptionally large claims (above these limits) are not charged to the group's experience. The "excess" portions of claims are pooled for all groups and an average charge is accounted for in the pricing process. The approach is to give weight to the individual groups own experience to the extent that it is credible. In determining the claims charge, a credibility factor, usually based on the size of the group (determined by the number of insured lives insured) and the type of coverage involved, is used. This factor can vary from zero to one depending on the actuarial estimates of experience credibility and other considerations such as the adequacy of the contingency reserve developed by the group.

In effect, the claims charge is a weighted average of (1) the incurred claims subject to experience rating and (2) the expected claims, with the incurred claims being assigned a weight equal to the credibility factor and the expected claims being assigned to a weight equal to one minus the credibility factor. The incurred claims subject to experience rating are after consideration of any stop loss provisions. Where the credibility factor is one, the incurred claims subject to experience rating will be the same as the claims charge. In such cases, the expected claims underlying the prospective rates will not be considered. Thus, when companies insure a group of substantial size, experience rating reflects the claim levels resulting from that group's own unique risk characteristics. It has become common practice to give to the group the financial benefit of good experience and hold them financially responsible for bad experience at the end of each policy period. When experience turns out to be better than was expected in prospective rating assumptions, the excess can either be accumulated in an account called a premium stabilization reserve, claim fluctuation reserve, or contingency reserve or the excess can simply be refunded. The refund is either called a dividend (mutual company) or an experience rating refund (stock company).

The net result of the experience rating process is usually called the contract holder account balance, representing the final balance attributed to the individual contract holder. As pointed out earlier this balance or a portion of the balance can be refunded to the contract holder. The adequacy of the group's premium stabilization reserve influences dividend or rate adjustment decisions.

Group Health Insurance Premiums

Business Loan

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Healthcare - Health Insurance Providers Review - Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company

Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company is a name brand within healthcare. This review of health insurance providers will highlight the changing directions in healthcare that Mutual of Omaha has taken.

Established in 1909 in Nebraska, Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company has remained one of the larger providers of healthcare. There are three associated subsidiary providers in this carrier group. Since its inception in 1970, United of Omaha has carried the main thrust of the life insurance products sold. Other business comes from Companion Life Insurance Co in New York, along with United World Life Insurance Company, formerly known as United World Insurance Co. While health and life insurance is the primarily focus, the parent company is also involved in banking, real estate development, and the sale of Mutual Funds.

Health Promotion

Now Mutual of Omaha has sprouted into a sort of a three-headed creature, with each of these head snipping at the other's business. Formerly there was only one many focus on where to obtain health insurance business. Having over 150 offices, the company had exclusive training facilities at its home office facility. When you think of healthcare, you tend to think of medical insurance. Disability insurance is a form of healthcare, and this is where for many years the company tried to make its mark. Agents were trained to sell disability coverage first, hospitalization and health supplement next, and then life insurance through United of Omaha last.

Their website mentions that when you have a sales career at Mutual of Omaha you have more than just a job. My analysis shows that the retention of healthcare representatives is not much higher now then when I was a unit sales manager with them. However, there are way fewer career sales offices available today. The company is licensed to sell in 50 states, with few restrictions. Their life and annuity sales have remained consistent the last few years. Meanwhile, rapid growth is show in accident and health insurance premiums being collected.

The reason for tremendous growth in this area can be pinpointed opening up the distribution of its healthcare products to independent non-company affiliated brokers. Along with this, they are known for generous commission payouts and one to the top rated Medicare Supplement policies. This has caused a problem for a lot of 100 year old companies, that Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company has handled better than almost all the rest. This is where you have in house affiliated representatives competing with outside brokers for the same product selling with different commission rates.

I am appalled however at Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company to throw its hat in the ring of trying to straightforwardly entice consumers to buy direct from the insurer. This takes business away from its agents, and from the independent brokers. They tell an online prospective client that buying insurance online has never been more affordable or easier. Nevertheless, the insurer is extremely savvy and profit orientated. There are only four policies offered direct. They are whole life, children's life insurance, accidental death, and cancer insurance. The last three are some of the most profitable policies that they sell.

Looking at their asset to liability ratio for paying life and health claims, the current situation looks steady, with only minor variation range. There are companies that may be financially rated slightly higher. In this review, I would rate Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company, even above many of them. The reason is strong company management, along with a smooth melding of captive representative offices and brokerage operations.

They should just quit being a direct internet provider of insurance directly to consumers. Plus there is no reason for them to not put up individual websites for United of Omaha, Companion Life Insurance Company, and World Life Insurance Company. This is a cheap, beneficial way to help policyholders locate these other companies.. Hope someone in Omaha is listening.

Healthcare - Health Insurance Providers Review - Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Boost Health and Productivity With a Wellness a Program

Over the last 20 years, we have seen the emergence of a major trend in North America: employee health and wellness are suffering. In Canada and the United States, there have been alarming increases of hypertension, diabetes and obesity. Between 1994 and 2005, the rates of arterial hypertension among Canadians increased by 77%, diabetes by 45% and obesity by 18%, affecting people of every age. Even more concerning is that hypertension rates among Canadians aged 35 to 49 rose 127% during the same period, and almost doubled among young people over the last 15 years (CBC News). The long-term effects of these issues will be dire; for the first time in decades, life expectancy has decreased in the United States, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published in December 2010.

Health care costs increasing
For employers, these factors should be worrisome, since research shows that employee health directly impacts work behaviour, attendance, on-the-job performance and, of course, health care costs. According to the 2010 Health Care Cost Survey by Towers Watson, employers are now paying 28% more for healthcare than they did just five years ago, and employees are paying 40% more.

Health Promotion

Retaining talent
A serious challenge faced by businesses today is a high turnover of qualified, motivated and loyal workers. Many employers are failing to support and sustain their best people and create trusting relationships with their employees. The evidence: according to a report by TLNT, 74% of workers are passive job seekers ready to consider a move. In today's competitive markets, employers must find new ways to attract and retain the best and brightest talent. One way to do this is to offer employees an environment that promotes healthy and active lifestyles.

Root of the problem
"Seventy-five percent of health care costs result from unhealthy lifestyles," writes Barbara Schaefer, senior vice-president, human resources for Union Pacific Corporation, in her article, "Long Train Running". In health matters, factors such as smoking, physical inactivity and poor eating habits are responsible for the vast majority of health risks and their associated costs.

There is good news for employers, however. These leading causes of illness are largely preventable. A 2007 study of more than 200,000 employees, conducted by the University of Michigan, determined that 61% of employees have two or less health risks, 28% have a moderate risk (three to four risk factors) and only 11% have an elevated risk (five or more health risk factors). The study determined that reducing health risk factors could save an employer US4 per employee, per year, for an organization of 1,973 employees. These are savings that can add up quickly.

High performance companies: health and wellness leaders
Businesses today are left with no choice but to create a healthy workplace culture if they want employees to perform to their best potential. High performance companies such as SAS, Wegmans Food Markets and Google have understood the profound connection between employee health, productivity and insurance costs. According to a report by the SHRM Foundation, "more than 75% of high-performing companies regularly measure health and wellness as a viable component of their overall risk management strategy." A survey conducted by Towers Watson and the National Business Group on Health "found that 83% of companies have already revamped or expect to revamp their health care strategy within the next two years, up from 59% in 2009. This year, more employers (66%) plan to offer incentives for employees to complete a health risk appraisal, up from 61% in 2009. Also, 56% of employers now offer health coaches and 26% now offer on-site health centres."

And it's working! The Public Health Agency of Canada reported that by implementing a physical activity program, Canada Life in Toronto improved productivity and reduced turnover and insurance costs while achieving a return on investment (ROI) of .85 per corporate dollar invested. A study conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control found that "comprehensive worksite health programs focused on lifestyle behaviour change have been shown to yield a to ROI for each dollar invested." According to a report by the Medisys Health Group, out of the Top 100 Employers in Canada, 77 have a structured wellness program in place and those who track the results generally find their expectations are met or exceeded.

If you ask the managers and HR directors of these Top 100 companies about the benefits of workplace wellness programs, they will tell you benefits include decreases in insurance costs, absenteeism, presenteeism and turnover rates; increases in productivity and recruitment; and improved creativity and overall motivation of the workforce.

How to build an efficient wellness program
Corporate wellness programs should focus on changing poor health habits in order to maintain affordable benefits coverage. A successful wellness program will help employees improve their physical health, improve communication throughout the organization and improve the workplace culture.

Quebec's Groupe de promotion pour la prévention en santé (GP2S) is an organization that has worked for a number of years to establish an ISO standard for workplace wellness. According to GP2S, there are a number of factors that will affect the success of wellness programs. Firstly, commitment must come from top management; the leaders of the company must be convinced of the value of the endeavour and must lead by example. Secondly, the program should be structured and integrated; managers need to define a comprehensive wellness strategy that is integrated to the business strategy, with a budget, timeline and thorough planning of resources. Third, the objectives of the program must be linked to the business objectives and the needs of employees, meaning that the program must be well integrated into the management system.

GP2S also emphasizes the importance of effective communication. As stated in the Harvard Business Review's article, "The Pillars of an Effective Workplace Wellness Program", "Wellness is not just a mission-it's a message. How you deliver it can make all the difference. Sensitivity, creativity and media diversity are the cornerstones of a successful communications strategy." Backing up the launch of a wellness program with a strong marketing and communication strategy prevents employee cynicism and skepticism and builds employee enthusiasm and excitement.

There is one very critical action that must be taken to ensure a wellness program achieves a return on investment; the entire implementation process should be based on a detailed diagnostic that evaluates the global health of the business and the health risk factors of the employees. Conducting a diagnostic to uncover employee needs and the most common health risk behaviours allows companies to invest in real problems, which drastically improves the potential return of the wellness program.

Employers, entrepreneurs and HR managers must understand that when it comes to health and wellness, they must invest now to save later.

Boost Health and Productivity With a Wellness a Program

Cute Quotes About Life Bank Tire Rack

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Promote Your Network Marketing Product - Top Tips On How

The best way to start promoting your network marketing product is to promote yourself first. Yes, it is important that your prospects know you first so that they can trust the product or service you are offering them.

You may ask, "Why do I need to promote myself"? Promoting yourself first is the best way to achieve self-branding on network marketing. If you embark on self-branding the right way, before long, you will be perceived as an authority in your chosen niche, and people would naturally flow to your product by the time you start promoting it; in fact, you would have less promotional work to do on your product if you do a great job on self- branding. Self-branding/self-promotion strategy involves going out of your way to learn about your prospects, their needs, concerns and issues they are looking for solutions on. When you provide values to them by giving relevant answers to their questions and providing valuable tips, you have already done the major part of your product promotion.

Health Promotion

Here are other ways you can promote your product;


Your blog site is a powerful promotional tool for your MLM product. What you would do is to add a page for your MLM products. Also, include banners strategically - the keyword here is 'strategically, if you add banner tactfully, your readers will not be irritated. On the other hand, if you overdo the banner thing, you may end up annoying your readers and putting them off. Use your blog to also create reviews about the products you are marketing. You should target free traffic generation from the search engines by creating content that is relevant to your products as well as target markets.

Classified Ads

Also, don't forget to take advantage of certain sites that attract a lot of traffic; examples of such sites are USFreeAds and Craiglist. Money-making prospect is huge when you employ these free traffic generation sites. In USFreeAds, you can employ wide range of features to tweek your ads - however, you must upgrade to the premium level in order to take advantage of this feature.

Content/Article Marketing

Article writing is a well-known effective marketing strategy for any online business, including network marketing product promotion. The regular saying goes that 'Content is the King!'. Create informative articles about your MLM product without sounding obviously promotional, or using intense sales tone. The content should be directed to your target audience. Don't forget to place your affiliate link in the author resource box. If your content is informative enough and compelling, your readers would definitely click on your link to visit your affiliate product site.

Use Auto Responders

These are follow-up emails and broadcasts. When you use auto responders in your MLM product promotion, your target would be on your subscribers. However, be careful not to bug then with offers every now and then and throw them in confusion. The major thing here is to share a solution that matches the needs of your prospects and recommend a product or service that would help thereafter.

Network marketing product promotion would yield great results when you apply these and other tips.

Promote Your Network Marketing Product - Top Tips On How

Brighthouse fast Loan Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Health Employment - The Driving Force Behind the History of Healthcare

Public healthcare systems are concerned with medical threats to the community, regional and national populations that it is responsible for. There are two distinct characteristics of public healthcare, being a focus on preventative versus curative aspects of health while dealing with nationwide medical concerns rather than individual level health issues.

The focus of a public healthcare intervention is to prevent rather than treat a disease through surveillance of cases and the promotion of healthy behaviours. Much of today's modern healthcare system has come about from health developments and interventions discovered and implemented during the early 1800's and industrial revolution for example. Such discoveries also created new health employment opportunities. Medical experts at the time had to contemplate some form of public system that could address general and pandemic health conditions of the population at large. New vaccines were also produced to treat disease and illness creating the need for health professionals to administer such procedures.

Health Promotion

During the twentieth century, the prevalence of infectious disease decreased and the focus of public healthcare turned towards chronic diseases, such as cancer and heart disease. Advancements in medical practice and knowledge had significant impacts on the increasing life expectancy of the general population of developing countries. The focus then turned to aspects such as safety policies, improved family planning and hygiene and what the modern health system is based upon, actions aimed at preventative measures to reduce the prevalence of disease and illness.

As the pressures of population increases are placing unforeseen stress upon the public healthcare system, there is an unprecedented demand for workers in the health employment industries. Additionally, as there are immense discrepancies in access to healthcare and public healthcare initiatives between developed and developing nations, the need for qualified health employment staff in many developing nations is ever increasing. Whether you desire to work in the latest medical facilities or assist in developing nations, those involved within the medical professions will always be required to fill the ever increasing amount of health employment vacancies.

Health Employment - The Driving Force Behind the History of Healthcare

Car Hire Instant Loan

Saturday, November 12, 2011

7 Bootcamp Business Promotion Tips

Bootcamps are becoming a popular business venture for personal trainers but many have a hard time thinking of bootcamp business promotions they can use to get more clients. Bootcamps are a great way for a personal trainer to make extra income. Personal trainers can run a bootcamp for a couple hours a day and make just as much as they do with their personal training sessions for the day. With bootcamp classes personal trainers are able to train as many clients in one session as they do all day with their personal training sessions. This is beneficial for both the personal trainers and clients. Personal trainers become more productive by training more people in less time and clients get to save money while still getting the personal training experience.

There are many ways a bootcamp business can be promoted. Here are several bootcamp business promotion tips that you can use for your personal training business.

Health Promotion

E-mail your current personal training clients - This may take away from your personal training income but it will also free up more time for you to focus on your bootcamp business. These clients may have friends that want to join with them.

Flyers - Post flyers at gyms, grocery stores, community centers, and other places around your community that have bulletin boards available for advertising.

Start a Facebook fan page - A facebook fan page is a great free way to get people to share their experiences from bootcamp with their friends. You can also post updates for the group about schedule changes, workouts and nutrition tips. Ask your clients to like the page and share it with their friends as well. This will help your business go viral.

Give out T-shirts - Many successful gyms give out t-shirts to new members. If they stand out in some way people will notice and ask them about the program. This is a great way to get your clients talking about the bootcamp and promoting your bootcamp.

Give Incentives for referrals - Give your current clients an incentive for referring new members. You may give them a discount for each new person or perhaps several weeks free if someone signs up for a couple months.

Group Discount - Lots of people like to workout with friends or family. You can give them a discount if they join up together.

2 Weeks free - Give out cards to your current clients to pass around to their friends that gives them 2 weeks free to try out the bootcamp with their friend. If their friend joins then they get an incentive.

Try out a couple of these bootcamp business promotion tips and make sure you monitor which ones work for you.

7 Bootcamp Business Promotion Tips

Capital One Online Banking Mortgage Rates

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What to Consider Before Accepting a Job Promotion

Most often, the best performing employees with great interpersonal skills and experience earn a promotion at their work places. Because of the great qualities one possesses, the management may recommend an individual to be promoted. So then, what should you reflect on before accepting the new post? Do you just accept the position without any queries?

It is of uttermost importance that the post you accept is in line with your career aspirations. This would prevent a scenario where you waste time carrying out tasks that delay the realization of your professional dreams.

Health Promotion

When you accept a new role, you need time to learn what is required of you. It will be of interest to you to know that your new supervisor will allow you some time to settle in.

It does help to weigh your skills and academic qualifications against what is expected of you in your new position. If you fail to check your skills you may be frustrated while trying to meet your targets and you realize that you do not know how to go about a task, yet your deadline to deliver is getting closer.

You also need to evaluate whether the responsibilities in the new job outweigh the benefits of the promotion. You may take up a job that robs you off all your personal time and risks your health despite offering you a good pay.

Have others turned down the offer to take up the promotion which is now being offered to you? Find out why others rejected the offer and see whether you are up to the game despite the challenges that have been cited by others.

Remember you are a valuable employee and that is why you are being offered a promotion. Do not be desperate to take up a job that will leave you regretting.

What to Consider Before Accepting a Job Promotion

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Fast Food - Hazardous to Your Health

Fast food restaurants are getting a boost from the poor economy and that is a real shame. Why would I say that? Because of all the industries that don't need a real boost in income the fast food industry should not be the one to benefit. Their food is hazardous to your health and is responsible for many illnesses.

The overall picture of our nation's health is already a horrendous one. People are ruining their health by eating fast food and they either don't realize how bad it affects their health or they really don't care what happens to them as long as they enjoy eating this type of food.

Health Promotion

Here's the real story you should know:

* Fast food contains high amount of calories, saturated fat, sugar, sodium, carbohydrates and proteins.

* Trans fat (The worst of all fats)

KFC chicken potpie has 13 grams

McDonald's large french fries has 8 grams

Dominos garlic dipping sauce has 7 grams

* Calories

McDonald's Deluxe Breakfast contains a grand total of 1220 calories, 550 of them from fat, including 17 grams of saturated fat.

KFC mashed potato bowl with gravy contains 690 calories and 31 grams of fat, nine of them saturated fat.

Pizza Hut - Stuffed Crust Meat Lover's pie. 2 slices will stuff you with 1000 calories. 82 grams of total fat, 22 grams of it saturated.

Even though it's bad enough that adults are consuming these types of food we all should be even more concerned about our children's eating habits. In the past 30 years the percentage of overweight children has more than doubled.

And to add to that 67% of urban children watch 2-4 hours of television a day, with 40 -80 commercials. Of this many commercials you can bet many of them are for fast food, sugary drinks and whatever else is bad for them to consume. Last year, Americans spent about 5 billion on fast food, more than on higher education or personal computers or automobiles.

So here is how the poor economy is helping the fast food industry. Two of the biggest, McDonald's and Burger King are enjoying sales increases. McDonald's saw its US sales increase 5% in 2008 compared to the previous year. Burger King saw its revenue for the second quarter of fiscal 20009 increase 3 percent compared to 3 million in the comparable period of fiscal 2008.

Now it seems the casual and fine dining restaurants are trying to woo back customers with special discount menus coupons and other promotions. You may have seen where Denny's offered a free breakfast to all customers in February of 2009. The reason people are courting the fast food industry so much is because of the price of a meal is less than any casual or fine dining restaurants. Not only that cooking at home seems to be such a chore for whoever cooks the meal today.

If people do eat at home it still means many of them are stopping at the local grocery, buying a processed or frozen meal and then taking it home and popping it in the microwave to cook in minutes. There are really two big problems with this kind of thinking too. The microwave is known to be a very unhealthy way to cook, the processed food meal is many times as bad for you as fast food.

Because of the fact that we live in such a fast world today, people don't take the time to cook healthy meals today. However if they would stop and think how they are abusing their body and their children's body maybe it would make a stronger impression on them.

There is such a thing as crockpot cooking or even timed cooking in the oven or on the stove. Food prepared ahead of time and then planned to cook either one of these ways is the healthier way to go. Many years ago when fast food wasn't even heard of much and when my wife and I were both working that's exactly the way she cooked back then. As a matter of fact, even today, she prepares and cooks many meals in a crockpot or oven.

If people don't start taking better charge of their health they will soon be sorry because of it. They will be faced with some serious illnesses and diseases. Then life won't be so pleasant anymore. They will probably wonder why all of a sudden this is happening to them.

Fast Food - Hazardous to Your Health

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Benefits of Seeds, Nuts, and Grains for Health

These are the most important and the most potent of all foods and contain all the important nutrients needed for human growth. They contain the germ, the reproductive power which is of vital importance for the lives of human beings and their health. Millet, wheat, oats, barley, brown rice, beans and peas are all highly valuable in building health. Wheat, mung beans, alfalfa seeds
and soya beans make excellent sprouts. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, peanuts, and soya beans contain complete proteins of high biological value.

Seeds, nuts and grains are also excellent natural sources of essential unsaturated fatty acids
necessary for health. They are also good sources of lecithin and most of the B vitamins. They
are the best natural sources of vitamin C, which is perhaps the most important vitamin for the
preservation of health and prevention of premature ageing. Besides, they are rich sources of
minerals and supply necessary bulk in the diet. They also contain auxones, the natural
substance that play an important role in the rejuvenation of cells and prevention of premature

Health Promotion

Benefits of Seeds, Nuts, and Grains for Health

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Good Food Good Health - Ginseng

Hello everybody

As you know good food is good health and Ginseng is a supplement that I have taken daily for several years now, for me it really does help with tiredness and I believe helps to suppress my stress levels.

Health Promotion

My friends are always saying that I generally appear calm and never stressed, well all I can say is that it is a good job they are not with me 24 hours a day as it might paint a different picture.

But it is true, I have felt calmer since taking it and although some people think that the effect is physiological, I disagree, and I am really pleased that new studies carried out have shown benefits from taking regular ginseng supplements.

There are generally three types of ginseng, the 'true' ginseng- Panax found in Asia, Panax quinquefolius- America and Eleutherococcus senticosus in Siberia, used as supplements.

Ginseng has also been used for centuries as a Traditional Chinese Medicine, where it is administered as a tonic for its beneficial effects on the body's central nervous system, anti-fatigue properties, and protection from stress ulcers and increase of gastrointestinal mobility including metabolic acceleration. Also it is highly considered as an enhancement of sexual functions.

Ginseng is an adaptogenic herb from the Aralacae plant family.
Adaptogens are known and defined as being a therapeutic and restorative tonic, which are considered to produce a good feeling - balancing effect on the body.

For any substance to be defined as an adaptogen, it is required to be innocuous and cause minimal changes or disorders in the physiological functions of an organism. Therefore, an adaptogen is a substance that is thought to help the body deal with the pressure of stress levels, as the substance has to possess a normalising action that is irrespective of the direction of the pathological changes.

Ginseng contains ginsenosides, these are thought to combat fatigue and stress by aiding and supporting the adrenal glands and improve the use of oxygen by exercising muscles.

you can obtained it in either root or powder form. The root is often chewed by Eastern people for its aphrodisiac properties, and is also well known the world over for this.
Ginseng is generally safe and without side effects. But as with all supplements, it is recommended that individuals with a pre-existing medical condition, or taking any other forms of medication should seek advice from their health care professionals on guidance and advice.

In rare instances consuming caffeine with ginseng can increase the risk of over stimulation and gastrointestinal upset or insomnia. Also it is not recommended during pregnancy or for breastfeeding women.

As always the correct guidance should always be taken from the product labelling, as different products use different standards of extract, but generally a daily intake of 100 - 300mg capsules taken over a 3 - 6 week period is required to produce the adaptogenic and energetic benefits.

Daily requirements of 1-2gm a day of root American or Asian ginseng, and 2-3gm of Siberian is recommended for production of the adaptogenic and energy benefits, but again always check the products labelling for correct dosage.

Red and white ginseng are the other two primary classes of ginseng, the white root being dried naturally where as the red ginsengs colour comes from a drying process that is said to increase the potency.

White ginseng is for promotion of general well being and good health and the red variety is often used for aiding disease recovery.

Recent studies have been carried out on ginseng and cancer patients, as the illness causes a great deal of stress, anxiety and fatigue, any reduction of this would be greatly beneficial.

The study was carried out on patients who were expected to live for at least six months. They were divided into four groups, each group was to receive different dosages daily of either - a placebo, 750mg, 1,000mg or 2,000mg of ginseng in capsule form. All patients were given the same crop of Wisconsin ginseng to ensure a level potency.

The study took place over an eight - week period.
Patients who received the 750mg dose compared to the group who were given the placebo reported a slight or little improvement in general well-being and fatigue.

25 per cent of the group given the 1,000mg reported moderately better or much better fatigue symptoms and also vitality and well being was moderately improved.

The group with the 2,000mg had over 27 per cent reporting moderately better or much better fatigue symptoms and moderate improvements in vitality and well-being.

Doctors said that any improvement in well- being and vitality, goes a long way on helping a patient whatever the illness, and being an adaptogenic is useful for most patients.

Another study has been carried out again using cancer patients at the Vanderbilt University Medical Centre, which focuses heavily on an'interdisciplinary approach' to cancer treatment, care and prevention.

30 per cent of the patients were already regular users of ginseng before their breast cancer was diagnosed. The study team found that these subjects when compared to patients that had never taken it, had a significantly reduced risk of death.

Pleasingly, it was found that ginseng use after diagnosis attributed to a higher quality of life score, in association with areas of psychological, social well- being and fatigue. It was noted that as the amount of ginseng administered was increased, the quality of life improved.

Nowadays, we in the Western world are looking to the herbalists of the Eastern world for all types of natural remedies, that they have tried and tested for thousands of years. In every town you will now find Traditional Chinese Herbalists popping up as we also reap the benefits of their knowledge.

Just be sure to check with your practitioner as a precaution before taking ginseng or any other supplements for guidance and advice.

Remember good food is good health

Ted & Sandra

Good Food Good Health - Ginseng

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Overcome Depression Mental Health Problems In The Workplace

The workplace can be a very tiring environment for anyone. The pressures from bosses, coworkers, and long hours can be very toxic to one's mental and physical health. Burnout usually occurs to those who can't keep up with the demands of the workplace for whatever reasons. Though stress is present in our every day lives, excessive amounts of it can cause negative effects. Too much stress in the workplace causes a whole lot of health problems such as anxiety disorders, depression, physical fatigue, and increased tension. It can also dramatically decrease a worker's productivity. Workplace stress can also increase one's risk of serious physical and psychological problems!

Symptoms to watch out for include anxiety, depression, stomach problems, decreased sex drive, fatigue, insomnia, and back pains. If one experiences these symptoms, they should take a breather and contact the management and tell them about the problem they have.

Health Promotion

Research shows that approximately one third of today's workers experience high levels of workplace related stress. Absences often stem from stress-related illnesses and this costs employers a lot of money. To improve productivity and employee relationships, some major companies now offer programs to help reduce work stress. They offer counseling, and stress risk assessment for their employees.

Social events such as regular get-togethers, parties, and field trips also help in the treatment of some office tension. These can also be opportunities for having a stress awareness program among employees. Higher salaries and regular promotion also helps a lot in the motivation of employees and in boosting their confidence. Some companies have even taken the direct route by offering less-stress programs for their employees like flexible working hours, and career leaves. Motivation is very important, that's why employers should be sensitive to the mental health needs of their employees. If they want maximum benefit for their company, they should invest in the protection and well-being of their employees' mental health. Studies show that most companies with mental health well-being programs even save a lot of money because of dramatically reduced absences, and improved productivity.

Treatment for stress depression are varied and numerous. There a whole lot of ways for employees to cope with workplace stress. The company should be forced to have a mental health program, but a program is usually not enough. One has to harness positive thinking and be able to take responsibility for one's own health. Better communication with employers and an overall positive outlook on work can dramatically reduce stress at the workplace. If you are experiencing workplace stress and/or are suffering from depression it is very important to access the correct help immediately. The sooner you seek help for your depression related symptoms the sooner you can be on the road to recovery. The longer a mental health problem is left untreated the more intricate and complex the problem becomes. Early intervention is very important.

Remember, people can and do make recoveries from depression and go on to lead their best lives imaginable.

Overcome Depression Mental Health Problems In The Workplace

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A History of Safety

Throughout history, the safety and health movement has been impacted by legislation. In the following safety and health chronology, noteworthy events, individuals, and legislative action are set forth to illustrate the theme that the safety professional/practitioner is and has been a significant part of those preventive experiences making up the story of life.

The Ancient Chinese (c 2,500 BC) spread the risk of loss by placing 1/6 of their harvest on each of six boats traveling to the market.

Health Promotion

Hammurabi (c 2,000 BC), ruler of Babylon, was responsible for the Code of Hammurabi, part of which bears resemblance to today's workers' compensation laws.

Ancient Egyptians (as early as 1600 BC) recognized the hazards of breathing the fumes produced by melting silver and gold.

Hippocrates (c 460-c 377 BC), the father of contemporary medicine, established a link between the respiratory problems of Greek stonecutters and the rock dust surrounding them.

In ancient Rome, the few slaves who survived the dangerous task of ship launching were given their freedom.

In 1601, the first English statute on "assurance" (an earlier term for insurance) was enacted. This statute covered marine risks.

In 1667, the Great Fire of London (September 2-7, 4666), caused the first English fire insurance laws to be enacted.

In 1700, Bernardino Ramazzini, an Italian physician, published the first thesis attempting to prove the connections between occupation and disease.

In 1730, Benjamin Franklin organized the first fire-fighting company in the United States as well as detecting lead poisoning symptoms with Dr. Evans.

In 1775, English doctors discovered that chimney sweeps, who were exposed to coal tar residues in their daily work, showed a higher incidence of cancer than did the general population.

In 1792, the first charter to write marine and fire insurance was granted in the United States.

In 1812, the Embargo of the War of 1812 spurred the development of the New England textile industry and the founding of factory mutual companies. These early insurance companies inspected properties for hazards and suggested loss control and prevention methods in order to secure low rates for their policyholders.

In 1864, The Pennsylvania Mine Safety Act (PMSA) was passed into law.

In 1864, North America's first accident insurance policy was issued.

In 1867, the state of Massachusetts instituted the first government-sponsored factory inspection program.

In 1877, the state of Massachusetts passed a law requiring guarding for dangerous machinery, and took authority for enforcement of factory inspection programs.

In 1878, the first recorded call by a labor organization for federal occupational safety and health law is heard.

In 1896, an association to prevent fires and write codes and standards, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), was founded.

In 1902, the state of Maryland passed the first workers' compensation law.

In 1904, the first attempt by a state government to force employers to compensate their employees for on-the-job injuries was overturned when the Supreme Court declared Maryland's workers' compensation law to be unconstitutional.

On March 21, 1911, in the Asch Building in New York City, nearly 150 women and young girls died in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire because of locked fire exits and inadequate fire extinguishing systems. A major turning point in history, this fire changed regulation by the government and laws instituted to protect workers.

In 1911, a professional, technical organization responsible for developing safety codes for boilers and elevators, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) was founded. A17 Safety Code was published.

1911-1915, During this five-year period, 30 states passed workers' compensation laws.

In October 14, 1911, the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) was founded in New York City. Originally named the United Society of Casualty Inspectors. The ASSE was dedicated to the development of accident prevention techniques, and to the advancement of safety engineering as a profession.

California Railroad Commission, now known as the California Public Utilities Commission, ws created by constitutional amendment to oversee rail safety, including the safety of highway/rail crossings.

In 1912, a group of engineers representing insurance companies, industry, and government met in Milwaukee to exchange data on accident prevention. The organization formed at this meeting was to become the National Safety Council (NSC). (Today, the NSC carries on major safety campaigns for the general public, as well as assists industry in the development of safety promotion programs.)

In 1916, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of state workers' compensation laws.

In 1918, the American Standards Association was founded. Responsible for the development of many voluntary safety standards, some of which are referenced into laws, today, it is now called the American National Standards Institute [ANSI].

In 1931 the Uniform Traffic Code was established because of the increase in speed and volume of motor vehicle traffic and accidents. The code consists of four separate acts: motor vehicle registration, driver licensing, automobile anti-theft and uniform traffic regulations.

In 1936, Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, called for a federal occupational safety and health law. This action came a full 58 years after organized labor's first recorded request for a law of this nature.

In 1936, the Walsh-Healey (Public Contracts) Act passed. This law required that all federal contracts be fulfilled in a healthful and safe working environment.

By 1948, all states (48 at the time) now had workers' compensation laws.

In 1952, Coal Mine Safety Act (CMSA) was passed into law.

In 1960, specific safety standards were promulgated for the Walsh-Healey Act.

On Jan 3, 1961, an accident at an experimental nuclear reactor at a federal installation near Idaho Falls, ID kills three workers. These were the first deaths in U.S. nuclear reactor operations.

In 1966, the Metal and Nonmetallic Mines Safety Act (MNMSA) was passed.

In 1966, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and its sections, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), were established.

In 1968, President Lyndon Johnson called for a federal occupational safety and health law.

In 1969, the Construction Safety Act (CSA) was passed.

In 1969, the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) was established. This organization certifies practitioners in the safety profession.

In 1970, President Richard Nixon signed into law the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), thus creating the OSHA administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

In 1970, on January 1, the National Environmental Policy Act, (NEPA) was signed. This provided a national charter for protecting and improving the environment and created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

On May 29, 1971, the firast OSHA standards were adopted to provide a baseline for safety and health protection in American workplaces.

In 1972, the Consumers Product Safety Act (CPSA) was signed into law.

In 1976, The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) passed and became the instrument by which the management of hazardous waste is regulated.

In 1980, to address the issues of hazardous waste management, the Pollution Liability Insurance Association (PLIA) was formed.

Jan 16, 1981 OSHA updates business electrical standards to simplify compliance and adopt a performance approach.

1991 North Carolina Plant Fire kills 25 workers and 49 injured at the Imperial Chicken processing plant in Hamlet NC. The employees were trapped inside due to padlocked doors meant to keep vandals away.

Sep 11, 2001, 2886 work related fatalities including 537 rescue workers, resulted from terrorist attacks on the NY City World Trade Center, at the Pentagon, an on the planes that crashed.

A History of Safety

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